Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My 14 month old

So today Janie is 14 months old--how did that happen? Everyone always says to enjoy every second with your children b/c the time flies by. Boy are they right. 

Janie was placed in my arms on the day she turned 7 months. Tomorrow she will be 14 months and 1 day which means that she will officially have been with me 1 day longer than not. That makes me smile! I cannot imagine life without her. She is such a perfect fit! God created her to be my daughter. I am so thankful that He knew my journey to her before I could ever imagine it. What a blessing!

Silly girl chewing on her horse from her farm set!
Showing off one of her spring dresses!
The smile that lights up any room!
Not really sure why I like this picture. I can't really tell what she is doing here? I think she was looking for her shadow from the lamp.

Oh and she is walking like crazy now! She rarely crawls anymore unless she is tired or falls down. When she falls she usually just gets back up and keeps going...but in the evenings when she is tired and falls, she will just crawl to wherever she was headed. 

Yesterday I noticed she began picking up things (toys, remotes, phones, anything) and carrying things around while she walks--all with a BIG PROUD smile on her face! Too cute!

1 comment:

QingLu Mama said...

As always, Janie is just the cutest! Happy longer family than not celebration! I remember that time with Simone and look forward to it with Sammy. An odd but amazing milestone!
I love that she is walking, isn't it such a great period of growth and change...can't we just stop time for a bit and enjoy each moment for a few days!